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Home for global students

Why choosing aurent?

Discover what we offer

Prime Locations

Our homes are always located near downtown in beautiful neighborhoods. As we are focused on students and professionals, we also have properties near Universities. We work hard to make you feel very comfortable during your stay (amazing flatmates plus dedicated customer service is our primary equation).

7-Day Guarantee

We stand behind all our services with a robust 7-day guarantee. If you are not happy after 7 days, you can leave without penalty.

Fully Furnished Properties

We offer fully equipped homes and we can prepare an entire new property just for you and your friends. However, if you ever want a change, you can choose from our available stock and move to another location at no extra cost.

Some of our properties

Availability may vary, so be sure to check!

St Kilda
Close to the Beach
Melbourne CBD
City Centre

Know our metrics

Explore our rental property statistics

35 homes and counting

Almost 110 rooms

More than 200 tenants

Connecting the dots

Your next housing ally

See what students say

Discover these amazing stories on Google...

... and also on Trustpilot

Our partners

Those who are collaborating with us
